Not one, but two. That is how many lumps appeared overnight on my left hand. The lumps are the size of a large pea and they’re hard and rather sore when pressed. I have one on the bottom of my middle finger and one in the centre of my palm.
Two months ago I probably would have noticed the lumps, shrugged my shoulders and then just waited it out for them to disappear and for my hand go back to normal. But these days my reaction to unexpected lumps growing in my hand is rather different.
I panicked.
Upon noticing the lumps I thought “blood clot from my surgery, I’m going to die”. So I quickly turned to my work colleague sitting next to me and by thrusting my hand into his face I forced him to touch my unexplained lumps. Being the ever supportive guy he is, he carefully pressed my strange bits of raised skin and immediately recommended I ring someone. Someone in the medical field. I did.
After ten minutes on the phone with a renal nurse I was assured it was nothing to worry about. She believed that it wasn’t directly associated with my super artery in my left arm and there was no need to go to the hospital as I definitely wasn’t go to die. Her response was along the lines of “No Fee, you won’t die today”. Phew that was a relief. Panic over. I’m going to live another day.
My diagnosis was perhaps a nerve issue that had been brought on by my recent surgery on my veins. The recommendation was to go to my GP for a check up and scans.
On one hand it is good that I am being more attentive to my health and not leaving it to the last minute or chance like I use to. But on the other hand how much concern is too much? A lump grows on my hand and I immediately think about whether my Will is up to date and which song I want played at my funeral. I don’t want to become a hypochondriac but I also need to be more aware of my health and especially protect my veins as they are now my lifeline. I need to find a balance.
Apart from finding a balance to my healthcare I am also hoping my body will now give me a bit of a break. I mean honestly. First kidney failure, then a mouth abscess and now some strange hand lumps. What’s next?
Actually on second thought I think I’d rather not know……