One thought on “Circus Show Day 24

  1. Fee, words just don’t seem good enough. You have expressed your situation so eloquently that anything we add has the chance of sounding feeble. I want to try though to let you know that despite being thousands of miles away we care, we are hoping beyond hope that dialysis isn’t your forever and that somewhere in Australia there is a kidney that will/ can become yours. You have so much sunshine in your soul so much to still do and see. I want to believe that the Universe will come through for you. How far afield can they look? Is this an option?

    So terrible that you were mugged on top of this. Try and believe events are random despite how sucky those events are. You are as safe today as you were don’t let him haunt you. Save your dreams for wonderful journeys and of days yet to come. I know easier said than done.

    Stay strong, wonderful and dynamic. Love Victoria and the rest of the gang xxx

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