I believed in fairy tales. I believed I would be danced off my feet by my very own Patrick Swayze. I believed in me being a girl meeting a boy. We would have struggles but love would conquer all and we would live happily ever after.
Now as a maturing woman my eyes are wide open but I am still weak for a romantic comedy. Last weekend I went to the movies for my latest fairy tale fix. The movie went along the winning formula of boy meet girl however it didn’t end with the normal roses and chocolates. Instead it ended with a twist. The boy and girl didn’t ride of into the sunset together. Their story ended in heart break and tears.
Surprisingly this twist was inspiring. It reminded me that we all get a bit lost. It reminded me that even when life goes on a path you didn’t choose that there is still life to live. It reminded me that we can find ourselves and grow and evolve into a brighter version if we are open to it.
Throughout this journey I’ve been fearful that I wouldn’t know how to turn lemons into lemonade. I’ve been fearful that I would lose myself in the loss of my life that I knew. I was fearful that the rabbit hole I was down was too deep for me claw out. Eight months ago I was a different me.
Eight months later, after my diagnosis, I have fought my way out of the rabbit hole. I am out of the blackness and I am in the light. I continue to enjoy fairy tales but I admit I still haven’t figured out how to make lemonade.