Circus Show Day 134

I am a rollercoaster.

Balance no longer exists in my life.  I feel as though I bounce from extremes.  My up days are amazing and I feel as though I could live like this forever.  But then I will hit a low and end up in bed for three days hiding away from the world.

I am sorry for being a rollercoaster.

I want to be balanced.  I don’t want to feel tired and exhausted after sleeping 15 hours straight.  I don’t want to cry while watching the news, or forget that I was meant to meet you for lunch.

I don’t want to be a rollercoaster.

3 thoughts on “Circus Show Day 134

  1. Thinking of you all the time! Give me a PM and I’ll come meet up with you. Hope today was a good day and tomorrow better than today. I had a bad day today but tomorrow is a new day! Lots of love xxx

    1. Hi. Sorry to hear you had a bad day! How are you feeling today? Do you have much planned for the weekend or is it too hard for you to do much at the moment? Let’s definitely organize a time to catch up. What is best for you?

  2. Hi babe, sorry I haven’t been in touch, I’m in hospital today/tonight and having a break off FB. Hope you’re ok, thinking of you all the time😘 Xxx

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